
匯聚台灣生物/生態學家以及仿生科技研發者,以仿生功能將其研究進行分類,藉以建立仿生科技顧問網絡,並進一步形塑 「設計桌旁的生物學家」(Biologist at the Design Table, BaDT)體系,以功能為基礎來獲取或提供生物知識,向非生物背景的跨領域團隊溝通生物資訊、以期符合研發與設計需求。

Shang-Wu Ding
國立中山大學化學系副教授核磁光譜和影像、生物物化1. 芝麻種子萌發過程中磷代謝的液態核磁共振光譜研究
2. 用各類加權核磁共振微成像方法研究芝麻籽的結構與發育
1. #改變化學/電子狀態 #生殖 #化學性組成 #物理性組成
2. #生殖 #化學性組成 #物理性組成

1. #Modify Chemical/electrical state #Reproduce #Chemically assemble #Physically assemble
2. #Reproduce #Chemically assemble #Physically assemble
Alex Hon-Tsen Yu
國立臺灣大學生命科學系教授遺傳、族群遺傳、分子演化、比較基因體學研究1. Parthenogenesis in two Taiwanese mountain earthworms Amynthas catenus Tsai et al., 2001 and Amynthas hohuanmontis Tsai et al., 2002 (Oligochaeta, Megascolecidae) revealed by AFLP
2. Variation of coat color in house mice throughout Asia
1. #適應行為 #調節生殖或生長
2. #改變光線/顏色 #適應外表型

1. #Adapt behaviors #Regulate reproduction or growth
2. #Modify light/color #Adapt behaviors
Chun-Neng Wang
國立臺灣大學生命科學系及生態演化研究所教授花朵發育分子調控、親緣地理與保育、植物組培轉殖、花傳粉機制與生殖、生態適應分子演化1. Effective pollination of Aeschynanthus acuminatus (Gesneriaceae) by generalist passerines, in sunbird-absent East Asia
2. Population genetic structure of Titanotrichum oldhamii (Gesneriaceae), a subtropical bulbiliferous plant with mixed sexual and asexual reproduction
1. #適應行為 #共同演化 #授粉
2. #調節生殖或生長 #適應行為

1. #Adapt behaviors #Coevolve #Pollinate
2. #Regulate reproduction or growth #Adapt behaviors
Hsing-Wen Wang
#能量轉型/轉換 #處理資訊 #感應訊號/環境線索

#Transform/convert energy #Process information #Sense signals/environmental cues
Chih-Li Wang
國立中興大學植物病理學系助理教授真菌病原菌之發育生物學、病原真菌之致病性、真菌病害之防治研究1. 番茄萎凋病菌厚膜孢子之逆境抗性分析
2. Blue light acts as a double-edged sword in regulating sexual development of Hypocrea jecorina (Trichoderma reesei)
1. #保護免受液體流失危害 #保護免受溫度危害 #保護免受化學物危害 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積
2. #調節生殖或生長 #感應光訊號(可見光譜)

1. #Protect from loss of liquids #Protect from temperature #Protect from chemicals #Modify size/shape/mass/volume
2. #Regulate reproduction or growth #Sense light (visible spectrum) from the environment
Ya-Yun Wang
國立臺灣大學生命科學系助理教授植物分子遺傳學1. Glucosinolate Transporter1 involves in salt-induced jasmonate signaling and alleviates the repression of lateral root growth by salt in Arabidopsis
2. Nitrate transport, signaling and use efficiency
1. #保護免受化學物危害 #保護免受液體流失危害 #傳遞化學訊號(氣味、味道等) #感應化學訊號(氣味、味道等)
2. #傳遞化學訊號(氣味、味道等)#獲取、吸收、或過濾化學物質

1. #Protect from chemicals #Protect from loss of liquids #Send chemical signals (odor, taste, etc.) #Sense chemicals (odor, taste, etc.) from the environment
2. #Send chemical signals (odor, taste, etc.) #Capture, absorb, or filter chemical entities
Yen-Wei Chu
國立中興大學基因體暨生物資訊學研究所教授生物資訊演算法、計算表觀遺傳學、生醫資訊學、演化式計算、類神經網路、模糊系統、資料探勘、智慧計算、自然計算1. GasPhos: protein phosphorylation site prediction using a new feature selection approach with a GA-aided ant colony system1. #維持群落活動 #化學性添加官能基

1. #Coordinate activities #Chemically attach a functional group
Yu-Chung Chiang
國立中山大學生物科學系特聘教授生物地理學、保育生物學、植物遺傳學、族群遺傳學、分子演化學、親緣地理學、保育遺傳學、生物多樣性1. Molecular basis underlying leaf variegation of a moth orchid mutant (Phalaenopsis aphrodite subsp. formosana)
2. 植生復育潛力植物芒草之分子選育及重金屬吸附能力評估
1. #改變顏色/光線 #改變形狀/大小/質量/體積
2. #保護免受化學物危害 #調節細胞代謝 #獲取、吸收、或過濾化學物質 #貯存化學物質

1. #Modify color/light #Modify shape/size/mass/ volume
2. #Protect from chemicals #Regulate cell process #Capture, absorb, or filter chemical entities #Store chemical entities
Jyh-Min Jiang
東海大學熱帶生態學與生物多樣性研究中心教授生態系生態學、植物生理生態學、植物群聚生態學1.Effect of nacl on the photosynthetic pathways of halophytic leaf succulent Sedum uniflorum
2. First report of C4/CAM-cycling photosynthetic pathway in a succulent grass, Spinifex littoreus (Brum. f.) Merr., in coastal regions of Taiwan
1. #循環養分 #獲取、吸收、或過濾化學物質 #保護免受化學物危害
2. #保護免受液體失危害 #貯存液體 #貯存氣體 #獲得、吸收、或過濾氣體

1. #Cycle nutrients #Capture, absorb, or filter chemical entites #Protect from chemicals
2. #Protect from loss of liquids #Store liquids #Store gases #Capture, absorb, or filter gases
Chuan-Wen Ho
國立中興大學生命科學系助理教授紅樹林生態、頭足類分類1. Methane emissions from subtropical and tropical mangrove ecosystems in Taiwan
2. Effects of tree thinning on carbon sequestration in mangroves
1. #調節大氣組成 #排出氣體 #獲取、吸收、或過濾氣體
2. #調節大氣組成 #維持生物多樣性 #獲取、吸收、或過濾氣體

1. #Regulate atmosphereic composition #Expel gases #Capture, absorb, or filter gases
2. #Regulate atmosphereic composition #Maintain biodiversity #Capture, absorb, or filter gases
Li-Wei Wu
東海大學生命科學系助理教授昆蟲系統分類學、生物多樣性、次世代基因體組分析、蝴蝶保育遺傳學、歷史生物地理學1. Phylogeny and historical biogeography of Asian Pterourus butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae): a case of intercontinental dispersal from North America to East Asia
2. 臺大實驗林和社自然教育園區蝴蝶資源調查與利用
1. #共同演化 #適應基因型
2. #適應外表型 #改變光線/顏色 #感應大氣條件訊號 #保護免受動物危害
1. #Coevolve #Adapt genotype
2. #Adapt phenotype #Modify light/color #Sensing atmospheric conditions
Shou-Tsung Wu
實踐大學觀光管理學系教授地景生態、遙測影像分類1. A comparison of 4 shadow compensation techniques for land cover classification of shaded are as from high radiometric resolution aerial images
2. Examining eco-environmental changes at major recreational sites in Kenting National Park in Taiwan by integrating SPOT satellite images and NDVI
#處理資訊 #估算

#Process information #Compute
Chung-Hsin Wu
國立臺灣師範大學生命科學系教授神經生理學、聽覺生理學、神經行為學、蝙蝠回聲定位1. Hypothermic neuroprotections in the brain of an echolocation bat, Hipposideros terasensis
2. Echo amplitude sensitivity of bat auditory neurons improves with decreasing pulse-Echo gap
1. #適應行為 #改變濃度 #調節細胞代謝 #保護免受溫度危害
2. #從環境中感應聲音或振動訊號 #對訊號反應 #轉導/轉換訊號 #傳遞聲音訊號 #陸地上導航

1. #Adapt behaviors #Modify concentration #Regulate cellular process # Protect from temperature
2. #Sense sound and other vibrations from the environment #Respond to signals #Transduce/convert signals #Send sound signals #Navigate over land
Ming-Cheng Wu
國立中興大學昆蟲學系助理教授蜜蜂生物學、昆蟲生理學、生物化學、分子生物學、微生物學1. Gene expression changes in honey bees induced by sublethal imidacloprid exposure during the larval stage1. #授粉 #維持群落活動 #維持群落系統 #透過自我組織維持群落協調

1. #Pollinate #Coordinate activities #Coordinate systems #Coordinate by self-organization
Shu-Ping Wu
臺北市立大學地球環境暨生物資源學系副教授生態, 分類, 保育1. A speciation gene for left–right reversal in snails results in anti-predator adaptation
2. Niche partitioning among three snail-eating snakes revealed by dentition asymmetry and prey specialisation
1. #保護免受動物危害 #適應基因型 #適應外表型 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積
2. #獲取、吸收、或過濾生物 #適應基因型 #適應外表型 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積

1. #Protect from animals #Adapt genotype #Adapt phenotype #Modify size/shape/mass/volume
2. #Capture, absorb, or filter organisms #Adapt genotype #Adapt phenotype #Modify size/shape/mass/volume
Shu-Mei Wu
國立嘉義大學水生生物科學系暨研究所教授魚類生理學、魚類內分泌學、浮游生物學、魚類緊迫生理學1. Juvenile tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) strive to maintain physiological functions after waterborne copper exposure
2. Copper or cadmium pretreatment increased the protection against Cd toxicity in tilapia larvae (Oreochromis mossambicus)
1. #保護免受化學物危害 #維持體內平衡 #獲取、吸收、或過濾化學物質
2. #保護免受化學物危害 #維持體內平衡 #獲取、吸收、或過濾化學物質

1. #Protect from chemicals #Maintain homeostasis #Capture, absorb, or filter chemical entities
2. #Protect from chemicals #Maintain homeostasis #Capture, absorb, or filter chemical entities
Chang-Tse Lu
國立嘉義大學生物資源學系助理教授植物系統分類、植物構造與功能、植物生殖生態1. Three new species of Asarum (section Heterotropa) from
2. 台灣產細辛屬植物之分類研究
1. #授粉 #獲取、吸收、或過濾生物 #散佈種子
2. #授粉 #獲取、吸收、或過濾生物

1. #Pollinate #Capture, absorb, or filter organisms #Disperse seeds
2. #Pollinate #Capture, absorb, or filter organisms
Jun-Yi Leu
中央研究院分子生物所研究員遺傳機制1. Dynamic large-scale chromosomal rearrangements fuel rapid evolution in yeast populations
2. Mitochondrial-nuclear co-evolution leads to hybrid incompatibility through pentatricopeptide repeat proteins
1. #適應基因型 #保護免受化學物危害
2. #調節生殖或生長 #共同演化

1. #Adapt genotype #Protect from chemicals
2. #Regulate reprodction or growth #Coevolve
Chi-Shiun Wu
wqx2@ulive.pccu.edu.tw; buergeria@gmail.com
中國文化大學生命科學系副教授動物生理生態學、兩棲爬行動物學、生物資源與保育1. Full compensation of growth in salt-tolerant tadpoles after release from salinity stress
2. Thermal tolerance and thermoregulation by Taiwanese Rhacophorid tadpoles (Buergeria japonica) living in geothermal hot springs and streams
1. #保護免受水分流失影響 #維持體內平衡 #調節生殖或生長
2. #保護免受溫度危害 #應付溫度衝擊 #維持體內平衡 #調節生殖或生長

1. Protect from loss of liquids #Maintain homeostasis #Regulate reproduction or growth
2. #Protect from temperature #Manage thermal shock #Maintain homeostasis #Regulate reproduction or growth
Ya-Fu Lee
國立成功大學生命科學系 教授行為生態、群聚生態、演化生態、生物多樣性與保育生態、農業與城鄉生態1. Energy state affects exploratory behavior of tree sparrows in a group context under differential food-patch distributions
2. Group effects and background color patterns affect the exploratory behavior of tree sparrows
1. #獲取、吸收、或過濾生物 #適應行為
2. #相同物種之間合作 #透過自我組織維持群落協調 #獲取、吸收、或過濾生物 #從環境感應光(可見光譜) #適應行為

1. #Capture, absorb, or filter organisms #Adapt behaviors
2. #Cooperate within the same species #Coordinate by Self-Organization #Capture, absorb, or filter organisms #Sense light (visible spectrum) from the environment #Adapt behaviors
Kwen-Shen Lee
國立自然科學博物館助理研究員生態、分類及標本拍攝、無脊椎動物典藏(海洋)1. 帶小孩的海膽與海星
2. 以柔克剛----柔海膽的深海生存之道
1. #保護免受動物危害 #調節生殖或生長 #適應行為 #物理性組成結構 #貯存固體
2. #物理性組成結構 #應付擠壓 #適應外表型 #改變材料特性 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積 #在固體中/上移動 #保護免受動物危害

1. #Protect from animals #Regulate reproduction or growth #Adapt behaviors #Physically assemble structure #Store solids
2. #Physically assemble structure #Manage compression #Adapt phenotype #Modify material characteristics #Modify size/shape/mass/volume #Move in/on solids #Protect from animals
Guan-Chiun Lee
國立台灣師範大學生命科學專業學院教授生物化學、微生物學、蛋白質工程、酵素生物技術1. 利用仿生矽化技術提升海藻糖合成酶之催化效率
2. 念珠藻Nostoc punctiforme胞外多醣生合成調控機制之預測
1. #化學性組成有機化合物
2. #化學性組成有機化合物 #保護免受液體流失危害 #保護免受光危害 #保護免受化學物危害

1. #Chemically assemble organic compounds
2. #Chemically assemble organic compounds #Protect from loss of liquids #Protect from light #Protect from chemicals
How-Jing Lee
國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系暨研究所 名譽教授昆蟲生理學,昆蟲行為學,時間生物學1. Circadian regulation of permethrin susceptibility by glutathione S-transferase (BgGSTD1) in the German cockroach (Blattella germanica)
2. Adaptation of the cockroach Blattella germanica to human habitats: circadian and noncircadian factors
1. #適應基因型
2. #從環境感應光(可見光譜) #適應行為 #應付群落中的擾動 #維持群落系統協調

1. #Adapt genotype
2. #Sense light (visible spectrum) from the environment #Adapt behaviors #Manage disturbance in a community #Coordinate systems
Hou-Feng Li
國立中興大學昆蟲學系暨研究所教授分類, 生態, 應用(含農林漁牧)1. Termite's twisted mandible presents fast, powerful, and precise strikes.
2. Buccal manipulation of sand particles during tunnel excavation of the Formosan subterranean termite
1. #適應外表型 #保護免受動物危害 #改變速度 #貯存能量
2. #適應外表型 #分配固體 #在固體中/上移動

1. #Adapt phenotype #Protect from animals #Modify speed #Store energy
2. Adapt phenotype #Distribute solids #Move in/on solids
Ling-Ling Lee
國立臺灣大學生態學與演化生物學研究所 教授臺灣陸域哺乳動物生態行為及保育、生物多樣性保育與永續利用、永續農業、永續發展指標1. Effects of dietary fiber on gut retention time in captive Macaca cyclopis, Macaca fascicularis, Hylobates lar, and Pongo pygmaeus and the germination of ingested seeds
2. The chemosensory ability of the predatory leech Whitmania laevis (Arhynchobdellida: Haemopidae) for prey searching
1. #調節生殖或生長 #散佈種子
2. #感應化學訊號(氣味、味道等) #陸地上導航 #獲取、吸收、或過濾生物

1. #Regulate reproduction or growth #Disperse seeds
2. #Sense chemicals (odor, taste, etc.) from the environment #Navigate over land #Capture, absorb, or filter organisms
Wu-Chun Tu
國立中興大學昆蟲學系暨研究所教授病媒昆蟲學、醫用寄生蟲學1. Blood-sucking behavior of female Forcipomyia taiwana (Shiraki) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)
2. Ultrastructure and characterization of the transparent wing membranes of three insect species
1. #獲取、吸收、或過濾液體 #感應動作訊號 #感應化學訊號(氣味、味道等)
2. #改變光線/顏色 #保護免受塵土/固體危害 #物理性組成結構

1. #Capture, absorb, or filter liquids #Sense motion #Sense chemicals (odor, taste, etc.) from the environment
2. #Modify light/color #Protect from dirt/solids #Physically assemble structure
I-Min Tso
東海大學生命科學系 特聘教授 行為生態學1. High contrast yellow mosaic patterns are prey attractants for orb-weaving spiders
2. Nitrogen inaccessibility protects spider silk from bacterial growth
1. #改變光線/顏色 #傳遞光訊號(可見光譜) #獲取、吸收、或過濾生物
2. #保護免受微生物危害 #防止破裂/斷裂

1. #Modify light/color #Send light signals in the visible spectrum #Capture, absorb, or filter organisms
2. #Protect from microbes #Prevent fracture/rupture
Hsin-Hung David Chou
國立臺灣大學生命科學系助理教授微生物學、演化生物學、合成生物學1. Phylogenetic analysis of internal transcribed spacer regions of the genus Alternaria, and the significance of filament-beaked conidia
2. Fast growth increases the selective advantage of a mutation arising recurrently during evolution under metal limitation
1. #適應外表型 #在氣體中移動 #散佈種子 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積
2. #化學性分解有機化合物 #適應基因型 #調節生殖或生長

1. #Adapt phenotype #Move in/through gases #Disperse seeds #Modift size/shape/mass/volume
2. #Chemically breakdown organic compounds #Adapt genotype #Regulate reproduction or growth
Hsiu-Chin Lin
國立中山大學海資系副教授海洋生物學、分子演化、分子生態1.Histology and transcriptomic analyses of barnacles with different base materials and habitats shed lights on the duplication and chemical diversification of barnacle cement proteins
2. The interplay of sediment characteristics, depth, water temperature, and ocean currents shaping the biogeography of lancelets (Subphylum Cephalochordata) in the NW Pacific waters
1. #化學性組成所需物 #永久性附著
2. #維持生物多樣性

1. #Chemically assemble on demand #Attach permanently
2. #Maintain biodiversity
Chung-Chi Lin
國立彰化師範大學生物學系教授生物多樣性、都市昆蟲學、社會生物學、螞蟻學、昆蟲分類學、行為生態學1. Heat-induced symmetry breaking in ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) escape behavior
2. Evolution of cheaper workers in ants: comparative study of exoskeleton thickness
3. Worker reproduction of the invasive yellow crazy ant Anoplolepis gracilipes
4. Thelytokous parthenogenesis in invasive dacetine ant Strumigenys rogeri (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Taiwan
1. #保護免受溫度危害 #透過自我組織維持群落協調
2. #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積 #適應外表型
3. #調節生殖或生長 #改變形狀/大小/質量/體積 #應付群落中的擾動 #生殖 (自我複製)
4. #調節生殖與生長 #生殖 (自我複製)

1. #Protect from temperature #Coordinate by self-organization
2. #Modify size/shape/mass/volume #Adapt phenotype
3. #Regulate reproduction or growth #Modify size/shape/mass/volume #Manage disturbance in a community #Self-replicate
4. #Regulate reproduction or growth #Self-replicate
Si-Min Lin
國立臺灣師範大學生命科學院教授分類, 演化, 生態, 保育, 野生動物貿易與管理1. Tail regeneration after autotomy revives survival: a case from a long-term monitored lizard population under avian predation
2. Changes of diet and dominant intestinal microbes in farmland frogs
1. #保護免受動物危害 #排出固體 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積
2. #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #應付群落中的擾動 #維持生物多樣性

1. #Protect from animals #Expel solids #Modify size/shape/mass/volume
2. #Cooperate/compete between different species #Manage disturbance in a community #Maintain biodiversity
Yih-Ren Lin
臺北醫學大學醫學人文研究所副教授文化地理學、靈性生態學、政治生態學、原住民社會發展研究、參與式與行動研究方法、人文地理1. Situating indigenous resilience: climate change and Tayal's “Millet Ark” action in Taiwan1. #應付群落中的擾動 #維持生物多樣性

1. #Manage disturbance in a community #Maintain biodiversity
Hui-Chen Lin
東海大學生命科學系教授生理生態, 濕地生態1. The air-breathing paradise fish (Macropodus opercularis) differs from aquatic breathers in strategies to maintain energy homeostasis under hypoxic and thermal stresses
2. Different oxygen stresses on the responses of branchial morphology and protein expression in the gills and labyrinth organ in the aquatic air-breathing fish, Trichogaster microlepis
1. #維持體內平衡 #保護免受氣體流失危害 #保護免受溫度危害 #獲取、吸收、或過濾氧體
2. #維持體內平衡 #保護免受氣體流失危害 #獲取、吸收、或過濾氧體 #適應行為

1. Maintain homeostasis #Protect from loss of gases #Protect from temperature #Capture , absorb, or filter gases
2. #Maintain homeostasis #Protect from loss of gases #Capture, absorb, or filter gases #Adapt behaviors
Teng-Chiu Lin
國立臺灣師範大學生命科學院教授台灣長期生態學研究、環境資源及保育、森林及水保1. Mediation of stemflow water and nutrient availabilities by epiphytes growing above other epiphytes in a subtropical forest
2. Leaf anthocyanin, photosynthetic light-use efficiency, and ecophysiology of the South African succulent Anacampseros rufescens (Anacampserotaceae)
1. #獲取、過濾、或吸收液體 #獲取、過濾、或吸收化學物質 #維持生物多樣性 #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #產生土壤/更新肥沃度
2. #保護免受光危害 #改變光線/顏色 #化學性組成有機化合物

1. #Capture, absorb, or filter liquids #Capture, absorb, or filter chemical entities #Maintain biodiversity #Cooperate/compete between different species #Generate soil/renew fertilty
2. #Protect from light #Modify light/color #Chemically assemble organic compounds
Ruey-Shing Lin
特有生物研究保育中心研究員保育生物學、野生動物資源調查、鳥類生態及行為、鳥類分布、分布模式、復原生態學、生物多樣性指標1.Sexing, aging and molt patterns of white-tailed robin
Cinclidium leucurum montium
2. The first record of a Himalayan cuckoo (Cuculus saturatus)
killing nestlings in a potential host's nest
1. #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積
2. #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #適應行為

1. #Modify size/shape/mass/volume
2. #Cooperate/compete between different species #Adapt behaviors
Ho Lin
國立中興大學生命科學系教授生理學、細胞生物學、腫瘤生物學、生理藥理學、內分泌學、神經生物學1. Changes of survival signalings between androgen-dependent and -independnet status in prostate cancer cells1. #調節細胞代謝

1. #Regulate cellular process
Yao-Cheng Lin
中央研究院農業生物科技研究中心助研究員植物基因體學1. The genome of the seagrass Zostera marina reveals angiosperm adaptation to the sea
2. The genome of Laccaria bicolor provides insights into mycorrhizal symbiosis
1. #適應基因型 #保護免受化學物危害 #保護免受光危害 #感應光訊號(非可見光譜)#感應化學訊號(氣味、味道等)
2. #適應基因型 #不同物種之間合作/競爭

1. #Adapt genotype #Protect from chemicals #Protect from light #Sense light (visible spectrum) from the environment #Sense chemicals (odor, taste, etc.) from the environment
2. #Adapt genotype #Cooperate/compete between different species
Chun-I Chiu
國立中興大學昆蟲學系博士後研究員白蟻生物學、昆蟲學、社會行為、生理生態學1. Termite’s twisted mandible presents fast, powerful, and precise strikes
2. Fungal nutrition allocation enhances mutualism with fungus-growing termite
1. #適應外表型 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積 #保護免受動物危害 #貯存能量 #改變速度
2. #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #共同演化 #適應行為

1. Adapt phenotype #Modify size/shape/mass/volume #Protect from animals #Store energy #Modify speed
2. #Cooperate/compete between different species #Coevolve #Adapt behaviors
Yuh-Wen Chiu
國立嘉義大學生物資源學系暨研究所副教授海洋生物、淡水生態、軟體動物學、演化生態1. Development and assays estradiol equivalent concentration from prawn (p-EEQ) in river prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense, in Taiwan
2. Gall polymorphism of coral-inhabiting crabs (Decapoda, Cryptochiridae): A new perspective
1. #獲取、吸收、或過濾化學物質 #調節細胞代謝過程
2. #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #適應外表型 #適應行為 #形狀/材料最佳化

1. #Capture, absorb, or filter chemical entities #Regulate cellular process
2. #Cooperate/compete between different species #Adapt phenotype #Adapt behaviors #Optimize shape/materials
Sheng-Fa Yu
中央研究院化學研究所研究員化學1. Selective oxidation of simple aromatics catalyzed by nano-biomimetic metal oxide catalysts: a mini review1. #化學性增加官能基 #化學性分解有機化合物 #化學性組成礦物晶體

1. #Chemically attach a functional group #Chemically breakdown organic compounds #Chemically assemble mineral crystals
Chiou-Ju Yao
國立自然科學博物館助理研究員鯨豚、分類、族群生態1. 露脊鼠海豚在馬祖列島近岸水域之擱淺, 誤捕與陸上觀察目擊紀錄所呈現的時間分布特性
2. 疣面關公蟹攜物行為之研究
1. #適應行為
2. #保護免受動物危害 #適應行為 #暫時性附著

1. #Protect from animals #Adapt behaviors #Physically assemble structure
2. #Protect from animals #Adapt behaviors #Attach temporarily
Hsi-Te Shih
國立中興大學生命科學系教授分類, 生態1. Chimney building by male Uca formosensis Rathbun, 1921 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ocypodidae) after pairing: a new hypothesis for chimney function
2. Utilization of shells of the land hermit crabs (Coenobita rugosus) in Dongsha Island, Siaoliouciou and Kenting
1. #保護免受動物危害 #適應行為 #物理性組成結構
2. #保護免受動物危害 #適應行為 #獲取、吸收、或過濾固體

1. #Protect from animals #Adapt behaviors #Physically assemble structure
2. #Protect from animals #Adapt behaviors #Capture, absorb, or filter solids
Ming-Chang Hong
國立高雄科技大學水產養殖系副教授海洋生態學、細胞分子生物學、基因調控與選殖、水產生物技術、海洋生物基因體功能體學1. 住在動物細胞裡的微藻─海洋胞內共生
2. Decreasing of visibility by green water is benefit for
high-stock redclaw crayfish farming
1. #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #共同演化 #保護免受動物危害 #獲取、吸收或過濾生物 #獲取、吸收或過濾化學物質 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積
2. #保護免受動物危害

1. #Cooperate/compete between different species #Coevolve #Protect from animals #Capture, absorb, or filter chemical entities #Modify size/shape/mass/volume
2. #Protect from animals
Kai-Jung Chi
國立中興大學物理學系副教授比較生物力學、功能型態學、仿生學1. Scaling and mechanics of carnivoran footpads reveal the principles of footpad design
2. Underwater attachment using hairs: the functioning of spatula and sucker setae from male diving beetles
1. #應付擠壓 #應付撞擊
2. #暫時性附著

1. #Mange compression #Manage impact
2. #Attach temporarily
Guo-Jing Weng
國立屏東科技大學野生動物保育研究所 副教授 保育遺傳、演化生物與分子演化、生物統計、雁鴨生態與經營管理1. Seasonal space use and habitat selection of sambar in Taiwan
2. Characterization of Debarking Behavior by Sambar Deer (Rusa unicolor) in Taiwan
1. #應付群落中的擾動 #保護免受溫度危害 #適應行為
2. #生物性控制族群、蟲害、病害

1. #Manage disturbance in a community #Protect from temperature #Adapt behaviors
2. #Biological control of populations, pests, diseases
Chun-Hsiang Chang
國立自然科學博物館研究員古生物學1. An unusual oviraptorosaurian dinosaur from China1. #獲取、吸收、或過濾固體 #適應外表型 #形狀/材料最佳化

1. #Capture, absorb, or filter solids #Adapt phenotype #Optimize shape/matierial
莊銘豐 Ming-Feng Chuang mfchuang@nchu.edu.tw國立中興大學生命科學系助理教授脊椎動物學、保育生物學、動物聲學、動物行為學 1. Territorial olive frogs display lower aggression towards neighbours than strangers based on individual vocal signatures
2. First record of ultraviolet fluorescence in Bent-toed Gecko Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgatus (Gekkonidae: Sauria)
1. #維持群落 #合作 #協調 #感應訊號/環境線索 #感應聲音或振動 #處理訊號 #對訊號反應 #傳遞訊號 #傳遞聲音訊號
2. #傳遞訊號 #傳遞光訊號(可見光譜) #保護免受物理性危害 #保護免受生物威脅

1. #Maintain community #Cooperate #Coordinate #Sense signals/environmental cues #Sound and other vibrations #Process signals #Respond to signals #Send signals #Sound
2. #Send dignals #Light(visible spectrum) #Protect from physical harm #Protect from living threats
Chiou-Rong Sheue
國立中興大學生命科學系教授分類, 生理, 解剖1. Gigantic chloroplasts, including bizonoplasts, are common in shade-adapted species of the ancient vascular plant family Selaginellaceae
2. Natural foliar variegation without costs? The case of Begonia
1. #適應外表型 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積 #獲取、吸收、或過濾能量 #分配能量 #物理性組成結構
2. #適應外表型 #改變光線/顏色 #分配能量 #物理性組成結構 #獲取、吸收、或過濾能量

1. #Adapt phenotype #Modify size/shape/mass/volume #Capture, absorb, or filter energy #Distribute energy #Physically assemble structure
2. #Adapt phenotype #Modify light/color #Distribute energy #Physically assemble structure #Capture, absorb, or filter energy
Fu-Hsiung Hsu
國立嘉義大學生物資源學系副教授生態, 保育1. 不同海拔和棲地類型之盤古蟾蜍蝌蚪的形態變異
2. 雄性大彎嘴畫眉的曲目量、歌型特徵及鄰居間的歌曲分享行為
1. #保護免受動物危害 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積 #適應外表型
2. #相同物種之間合作 #適應行為 #傳遞聲音訊號 #學習

1. #Protect from animals #Modify size/shape/mass/volume #Adapt phenotype
2. #Cooperate within the same species #Adaot behaviors #Send sound signals #Learn
Dian-Han Kuo
國立臺灣大學生命科學系動物博物館助理教授演化發育生物學、無脊椎動物比較胚胎及解剖學1. A tale of two leeches: toward the understanding of the evolution and development of behavioral neural circuits
2. On the origin of leeches by evolution of development
1. #在固體中/上移動 #在液體中/上移動#感應觸覺及機械力 #感應平衡/方向
2. #暫時性附著 #在固體中/上移動 #在液體中/上移動 #適應基因型 #適應外表型 #調節生殖或生長

1. #Move in/on solids #Move in/on liquids #Sense Touch and mechanical forces in a living system #Sense balance/orientation
2. #Attach temporarily #move in/on solids #Move in/on liquids #Adapt genotype #Adapt phenotype #Regulate reproduction or growth
Chia-Hung Kuo
I-Ching Chen
國立成功大學生命科學系副教授氣候變遷生物學、巨觀生理生態、生物多樣性保育、歷史氣候1. Reduced body sizes in climate-impacted Borneo moth assemblages are primarily explained by range shifts
2. Contrasting forms of competition set elevational range limits of species
1. #保護免受溫度危害 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積
2. #保護免受溫度危害 #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #適應行為

1. #Protect from temperature #Modify size/shape/mass/volume
2. #Protect from temperature #Cooperate/compete between different species #Adapt behaviors
Meng-Hsien Chen
國立中山大學海洋資源學系教授重金屬汙染、水生生態毒物學、魚類生物學、動物性浮游生物學1. The effect of temperature on the expression of heat shock protein 70 and the activities of phosphoglucose isomerase of mullet (Mugil cephalus) larvae with different pgi-A genotypes1. #適應基因型 #保護免受溫度危害

1. #Adapt genotype #Protect from temperature
Po-Yu Chen
國立清華大學材料科學工程學系教授仿生材料、多功能表面、力學、材料科學與工程、AI、機器學習 (ML)1. Biological materials: functional adaptations and
bioinspired designs
2. Structural design and mechanical behavior of alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) osteoderms
1. #永久性附著 #暫時性附著 #保護免受物理性危害 #保護免受生物威脅 #保護免受非生物威脅 #應付結構力 #防止結構損壞 #散佈種子 #形狀/材料最佳化 #機械能轉型/轉換 #物理性組成結構
2. #保護免受動物危害 #應付撞擊 #物理性組成結構

1. #Attach permanently #Attach temporarily #Protect from physicall harm #Protect from living threats #Protect from non-living threats #Manage structural forces #Prevent structural failure #Disperse seeds #Optimize shape/material #Transform/convert mechanical energy #Physically assemble structure
2. Protect from animals #Manage impact #Physically assemble structure
Han-Yi Fu
國立中山大學生物科學系助理教授光合作用研究、生物物理學、植物生理學、基因工程、基因體學與轉錄體學1. Redesigning the QA binding site of photosystem II allows reduction of exogenous quinones
2. Biosynthesis of ascorbic acid as a glucose-induced photoprotective process in the extremophilic red alga Galdieria partita
1. #改變能量狀態 #化學能轉型/轉換
2. #保護免受光損害 #適應基因型 #化學性組成有機化合物

1. #Modify energy state #Transform/convert chemical energy
2. #Protect from light #Adapt genotype #Chemically assemble organic compounds
Yu-Hsin Tseng

國立中興大學生命科學系助理教授植物演化、植物生殖生物學、基因體學、植物系統分類、分子演化 1. Geographical distribution of dioecy and its ecological correlates based on fine‐scaled species distribution data from a subtropical island
2. Phylogeography of Begonia luzhaiensis suggests both natural and anthropogenic causes for the marked population genetic structure
1. #生殖 #適應/最佳化 #適應基因型 #調節生理過程 #調節生殖或生長
2. #維持生物多樣性 #適應基因型

1. #Reproduce #Adapt/optimize #Adapt genotype #Regulate physiology process #Reproduction or growth
2. #Maintain biodiversity #Adapt genotype
I-Chieh Tseng
中國文化大學生命科學系助理教授植物逆境生理、植物基因轉殖與育種1. Abscisic acid- and stress-induced highly proline-rich glycoproteins regulate root growth in rice
2. Rice OsRePRP confers to stress tolerance
1. #保護免受液體流失危害 #化學性組成有機化合物 #感應化學訊號(氣味、味道等)
2. #保護免受非生物危害 #感應化學訊號(氣味、味道等) #感應疾病訊號

1. #Protect from loss of liquids #Chenically assemble organic compounds #Sense chemicals (odor, taste, etc.) from the environment
2. #Protect from non-living threats #Sense chemicals (odor, taste, etc.) from the environment #Sense disease in a living system
Chien-Chang Tseng
國立澎湖科技大學水產養殖學系副教授魚類學、水產養殖學、栽培漁業1. Effects of recent ecological events on the distribution and growth of macroalgae in marine waters around Taiwan
2. Studies on the temporal and spatial variation of fish community in Caiyuan coastal wetlands, Penghu
1. #維持生物多樣性 #不同物種之間合作/競爭
2. #維持生物多樣性

1. #Maintain biodiversity #Cooperate/compete between different species
2. #Maintain biodiversity
Hui-Yun Tseng
國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系暨研究所助理教授行為生態學、保育生物學、演化學、系統分類學1. The functional significance of aposematic signals: geographic variation in the responses of widespread lizard predators to colourful invertebrate prey
2. Rafting on floating fruit is effective for oceanic dispersal of flightless weevils
1. #保護免受生物威脅 #適應外表型
2. #在液體中/上移動 #保護免受過多液體危害 #適應行為

1. Protect from living threats #Adapt phenotype
2. #Move in/on liquids #Protect from excess of liquids #Adapt behaviors
Hsin-Her Yu
國立虎尾科技大學生物科技系教授材料、高分子、仿生1. Moth-eye-inspired biophotonic surfaces with antireflective and hydrophobic characteristics
2. The applications of biomimetic cicada-wing structure on the organic light-emitting diodes
1. #改變光線/顏色 #改變材料特性 #物理性組成結構 #保護免受動物危害
2. #改變光線/顏色 #改變材料特性 #物理性組成結構

1. #Modify light/color #Modify material characteristics #Physically assemble structure #Protect from animals
2. #Modify light/color #Modify material characteristics #Physically assemble structure
Chuan-Chin Chiao
國立清華大學生命科學系特聘教授視覺神經科學、視網膜神經生物學、動物行為學1. Hyperspectral imaging of cuttlefish camouflage indicates good color match in the eyes of fish predators
2. Cephalopod dynamic camouflage: bridging the continuum between background matching and disruptive coloration
1. #保護免受生物威脅 #適應行為 #改變光線/顏色
2. #適應/最佳化 #適應行為 #改變物理狀態 #改變光線/顏色

1. #Protect from living threats #Adapt behavio #Light/Color
2. #Adapt/Optimize #Adapt behavior #Modify physical state #Light/Color
Bill Cheng
國立中興大學生醫工程研究所助理教授Cardiovascular Science, Nanomedicine1. Biomimicking platelet–monocyte interactions as a novel targeting strategy for heart healing
2. Bioengineered human heparin with anticoagulant activity
1. #獲得、吸收、或過濾化學物質 #化學性組成有機化合物
2. #獲得、吸收、或過濾化學物質 #化學性組成有機化合物

1. #Capture, absorb, or filter chemical entities #Chemically assemble organic compounds
2. #Capture, absorb, or filter chemical entities #Chemically assemble organic compounds
Chieh-Chen Huang
國立中興大學生命科學系教授環境污染之生物復育技術、遺傳情報之水平傳播、應用微生物1. Microbial community analysis in the termite gut and fungus comb of Odontotermes formosanus: the implication of Bacillus as mutualists
2. Synergistic collaboration of gut symbionts in Odontotermes formosanus for lignocellulosic degradation and bio-hydrogen production
1. #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #保護免受真菌損害 #化學性分解有機化合物
2. #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #化學性分解有機化合物 #化學性分解聚合物 #獲得、吸收、或過濾固體

1. #Cooperate/compete between different species #Protect from fungi #Chemically breakdown organic compounds
2. #Cooperate/compete between different species #Chemically breakdown organic compounds #Chemically breakdown polymers #Capture, absorb, or filter solids
Wen-San Huang
國立自然科學博物館研究員爬蟲類生態、行為演化生態學、生殖生態學、族群生態學、環境變遷對島嶼爬蟲類(蜥蜴和蛇)生態的衝擊、島嶼爬蟲類生態學1. Sum of fears among intraguild predators drives the survival of green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) eggs
2. Surf and turf: predation by egg-eating snakes has led to the evolution of parental care in a terrestrial lizard
1. #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #保護免受動物危害
2. #保護免受動物危害 #適應行為 #適應基因型

1. #Cooperate/compete between different species #Protect from animals
2. #Protect from animals #Adapt behaviors #Adapt genotype
Ji-Wei Huang
國立宜蘭大學園藝學系助理教授生態, 保育, 應用(含農林漁牧)1. 澎湖團扇仙人掌的生態和園藝性狀研究
2. 韮蘭屬自然化栽培研究

#Provide ecosystem services
Chun-Lin Huang
國立自然科學博物館副研究員分類、演化遺傳學1. Molecular evolution of the Pi-ta gene resistant to rice blast in wild rice (Oryza rufipogon)
2. Genetic relationships and ecological divergence in Salix species and populations in Taiwan
1. #適應基因型 #保護免受真菌危害
2. #適應基因型 #適應外表型 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積

1. #Adapt genotype #Protect from fungi
2. #Adapt genotype #Adapt phenotype #Modify size/shape/mass/volume
Bin Huang
高雄醫學大學生物醫學暨環境生物學系副教授蛋白質體學、蛋白質轉譯後修飾體學、植物生理學、心血管病理學1. Different chilling responses of brassinosteroid-biosynthetic genes in Arabidopsis and mung bean seedlings1. #保護免受溫度危害 #化學性組成有機化合物 #調節生殖或生長

1. #Protect from temperature #Chemically assemble organic compounds #Regulate reproduction or growth
Meng-Yuan Huang
國立中興大學生命科學系副教授植物生態生理1. Rapid light-response curve of chlorophyll fluorescence in terrestrial plants: relationship to CO2 Exchange among five woody and four fern species adapted to different light and water regimes
2. Molecular genetic and biochemical evidence for adaptive evolution of leaf abaxial epicuticular wax crystals in the genus Lithocarpus (Fagaceae)
1. #調節細胞代謝 #調節體內平衡 #輻射能轉型/轉換 #感應光訊號(可見光譜)
2. #保護免受微生物危害 #保護免受液體流失危害 #適應基因型 #化學性組成有機化合物

1. #Regulate cellular process #Regular homeostasis #Transform/convert radiant energy #Sense light (visible spectrum) from the environment
2. Protect from microbes #Protect from loss of liquids #Adapt genotype #Chemically assemble organic compounds
Hsiao-Chun Huang
國立臺灣大學分子與細胞生物學研究所副教授細胞分裂、系統與合成生物學1. Construction of intracellular asymmetry and asymmetric division in Escherichia coli1. #調節生殖或生長 #自我複製

1. #Regulate reproduction or growth #Self-replicate
Rong-Nan Huang
國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系暨研究所教授農藥、殺蟲劑1. Effects of encapsulated main components of Plectranthus amboinicus essential oils towards Myzus persicae and Plutella xylostella
2. What type of sex determination does Solenopsis geminata use? A focus on the homologous SDL region
1. #保護免受動物危害 #化學性組成有機化合物
2. #調節生殖或生長 #適應基因型

1. #Protect from animals #Chemically assemble organic compounds
2. Regulate reproduction or growth #Adapt genotype
Ming-Chih Huang
國立臺南大學生物科技學系副教授系統生物學 水產工學1. Thermostability of tropomyosins from the fast skeletal muscles of tropical fish species
2. 彈塗魚的求偶行為和生態習性
1. #維持體內平衡 #保護免受溫度危害 #保護免受液體流失危害
2. #保護免受溫度危害 #保護免受液體流失危害 #感應動作訊號

1. #Maintain homeostasis #Protect from temperature #Protect from lodd of liquids
2. #Protect from temperature #Protect from loss of liquids #Sense motion
Tzu-Ruei Yang
國立自然科學博物館研究員古生物學1. Dinosaur egg colour had a single evolutionary origin
2. The origin of the bird's beak: new insights from dinosaur incubation periods
1. #保護免受動物危害 #改變光線/顏色 #適應外表型 #共同演化 #化學性組成有機化合物
2. #適應外表型 #改變形狀/大小/質量/體積 #調節生殖或生長 #保護免受動物危害

1. Protect from animals #Modify light/color #Adapt phenotype #Coevolve #Chemically assemble organic compounds
2. #Adapt phnotype #Modify size/shape/mass/volume #Regulate reproduction or growth #Protect from animals
Patricia Yang
國立清華大學動力機械工程學系助理教授生物流體及生物力學、仿生工程、動物群聚行為1. Rowing jellyfish contract to maintain neutral buoyancy
2. Intestines of non-uniform stiffness mold the corners of wombat feces
1. #在液體中/上移動 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積 #移動
2. #改變物理狀態 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積 #移動

1. #In/on liquids #Size/shape/mass/volume #Move
2. #Modify physical state #Size/shape/mass/volume #Move
Shan-Hua Yang
國立台灣大學漁業科學研究所助理教授微生物學、水生微生物多樣性、珊瑚礁微生物生態學、多元基因體學1. Geographical variations in bacterial communities associated with soft coral Scleronephthya gracillimum
2. Metagenomic, phylogenetic, and functional characterization of predominant endolithic green sulfur bacteria in the coral Isopora palifera
3. Bacterial community associated with organs of shallow hydrothermal vent crab Xenograpsus testudinatus near Kuishan Island, Taiwan
1. #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #維持生物多樣性
2. #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #維持生物多樣性 #獲得、吸收、或過濾能量
3. #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #獲得、吸收、或過濾能量 #保護免受化學物危害

1. #Cooperate/compete between different species #Maintain biodiversity
2. #Cooperate/compete between different species #Maintain biodiversity #Capture, absorb, or filter energy
3. #Cooperate/compete between different species #Capture, absorb, or filter energy #Protect from chemicals
En-Cheng Yang
臺灣大學昆蟲學系教授神經生理、昆蟲視覺1. Extreme spectral richness in the eye of the common bluebottle butterfly, Graphium sarpedon
2. Colourful orb-weaving spiders, Nephila pilipes, through a bee's eyes
1. #感應光訊號(可見光譜) #感應光訊號(非可見光譜) #對訊號反應 #授粉
2. #改變光線/顏色 #獲得、吸收、或過濾生物 #適應外表型

1. #Sense light (vivsible spectrum) from the environment #Respond to signals #Pollinate
2. #Modify light/color #Capture, absorb, or filter organisms #Adapt phenotype
Man-Miao Yang
國立中興大學昆蟲學系暨研究所教授木蝨系統分類學、蟲癭演化生物學 、癭學 、半翅目內共生物學及行為與種的分化1. Leaf gall polymorphism and molecular phylogeny of a new Bruggmanniella species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Asphondyliini) associated with Litsea acuminata (Lauraceae) in Taiwan, with ecological comparisons and a species description
2. Is a gall an extended phenotype of the inducing insect? a comparative study of selected morphological and physiological traits of leaf and stem galls on Machilus thunbergii (Lauraceae) induced by five species of Daphnephila (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Northeastern Taiwan
1. #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積 #傳遞化學訊號 #調節生殖或生長
2. #適應外表型 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積 #傳遞化學訊號 #調節生殖或生長

1. #Modify size/shape/mass/volume #Send chemical signals #Regulate reproduction or growth
2. #Adapt phenotype #Modify size/shape/mass/volume #Send chemical signals #Regulate reproduction or growth
Jia-Dong Yang
特有生物研究保育中心研究員苔蘚植物分類相關研究、野生植物調查、研究、保育、生態教育推廣1. 陽明山國家公園苔蘚‧地衣圖鑑1. #維持生物多樣性 #散佈種子 #不同物種之間合作/競爭

1. #Maintain biodiversity #Disperse seeds #Cooperate/compete between different species
Jing-Tang Yang
國立台灣大學機械系終身特聘教授仿生力學與仿生工程、微奈尺度生化流體系統、噴射推進1. A passerine spreads its tail to facilitate a rapid recovery of its body posture during hovering
2. Importance of body rotation during the flight of a butterfly
1. #移動 #在氣體中移動 #改變物理狀態 #改變速度 #改變位置 #機械能轉型/轉換 #獲取、吸收、或過濾能量
2. #分配能量 #獲取能量 #移動 #在氣體中移動 #改變物理狀態 #改變速度 #機械能轉型/轉換

1. #Move #In/through gases #Modify physical state #Speed #Position #Mechanical energy #Energy
2. #Distribute energy #Capture energy #Move #In/through gases #Modify physical state #Speed #Mechanical energy
Yi-Ju Yang
國立東華大學自然資源與環境學系副教授生態學、保育生物學、兩棲類保育1. Notes on the diets of five amphibian species from southwestern Taiwan
2. Inferring microbial interactions in the gut of the Hong Kong whipping frog (Polypedates megacephalus) and a validation using probiotics
1. #獲取、吸收、或過濾生物 #獲取、吸收、或過濾化學物質 #保護免受動物危害
2. #獲取、吸收、或過濾生物 #不同物種之間合作/競爭

1. #Capture, absorb, or filter organisms #Capture, absorb, or filter chemical entities #Protect from animals
2. #Capture, absorb, or filter organisms #Cooperate/compete between different species
Colin K. Wen
東海大學生命科學系副教授珊瑚礁魚類生態、海洋保護區、人為干擾、海洋保育1. Effects of habitat modification on coastal fish assemblages
2. Dietary shift in juvenile coral trout (Plectropomus maculatus) following coral reef degradation from a flood plume disturbance
1. #應付群落中的擾動 #維持生物多樣性
2. #應付群落中的擾動 #適應行為

1. #Manage disturbance in a community #Maintain biodiversity
2. #Manage disturbance in a community #Adapt behaviors
Chi-Cheng Liao
中國文化大學生命科學系教授植群生態、大數據分析、植物分類、生物多樣性1. Comparison of visitors and pollinators of Mucuna macrocarpa between urban and forest environments
2. Squirrel pollination of Mucuna macrocarpa (Fabaceae) in Taiwan
1. #授粉 #共同演化 #不同物種之間作/競爭
2. #授粉 #共同演化 #物理性組成結構 #適應行為

1. #Pollinate #Coevolve #Cooperate/compete between different species
2. #Pollinate #Coevolve #Physically assemble structure #Adapt behaviors
Chen-Pan Liao
國立自然科學博物館研究助理蜘蛛絲、行為生態學1. The effects of wind on trap structural and material properties of a sit-and-wait predator
2. Function of being colorful in web spiders: attracting prey or camouflaging oneself?
1. #保護免受風危害 #改變密度 #改變材料特性 #暫時性附著
2. #獲取、吸收、或過濾生物 #改變光線/顏色

1. #Protect from wind #Modify density #Modify material characteristics #Attach temporarily
2. Capture, absorb, or filter organisms #Modify light/color
Yi-Shan Chao
高雄醫學大學生物醫學暨環境生物學系副教授植物分類、植物系統演化、植物生物地理、水生植物、蕨類植物、食蟲植物1. Trap gland morphology and its systematic implications in Taiwan Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae)
2. Polyploidy and speciation in Pteris (Pteridaceae)
1. #獲得、吸收、或過濾生物 #獲得、吸收、或過濾液體 #儲存能量
2. #調節生殖或生長 #適應基因型 #適應外表型 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積

1. #Capture, absorb, or filter organisms #Capture, absorb, or filter liquids #Store energy
2. #Regulate reproduction or growth #Adapt genotype #Adapt phenotype #Modify size/shape/mass/volume
Yu-Chan Chao
研究員Transcriptional Control for Protein Engineering and Regulation of DNA Repli1. Baculovirus as versatile vectors for protein display and biotechnological applications1. #生物性控制族群/蟲害/病害 #化學性組成有機化合物
1. #Biological control of populations, pests, diseases #Chemically assemble organic compounds
Jen-Ming Liu
國立高雄海洋科技大學漁業生產與管理系副教授漁業聲學、人工魚礁、生物統計學1. 台灣東港外海赤尾星蝦 (Acetes intermedius) 現場標物反射強度之研究
2. 不同深度對花腹鯖現場聲學測量之影響
#液體中導航 #處理訊號 #感應形狀及日長訊號 #維持生物多樣性

#Navigate through liquid #Process signals #Sense time and day length #Maintain biodiversity
Shao-Lun Liu
東海大學生命科學系副教授分子和基因體演化、分子系統分類、分子生態1. 晚秋陽明山硫磺溫泉的嗜酸嗜熱紅藻
2. Filamentous calcareous alga provides substrate for coral-competitive macroalgae in the degraded lagoon of Dongsha Atoll, Taiwan
1. #保護免受化學物危害 #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #氣體/水分/廢物解毒/淨化
2. #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #維持生物多樣性

1. #Protect from chemicals #Cooperate/compete between different species #Detoxification/purification of air/water/waste
2. #Cooperate/compete between different species #Maintain biodiversity
Ying-Ming Liou
國立中興大學生命科學系教授肌肉蛋白,生物物理,細胞分子生理,分子馬達1. L-caldesmon alters cell spreading and adhesion force in RANKL-induced osteoclasts
2. Effect of l‐caldesmon on osteoclastogenesis in RANKL–induced RAW264.7 cells
1. #調節細胞代謝 #調節生殖或生長 #改變密度
2. #調節細胞代謝 #調節生殖或生長 #改變密度

1. #Regulate cellular process #Regulate reproduction or growth #Modify density
2. #Regulate cellular process #Regulate reproduction or growth #Modify density
Tein-Shun Tsai
國立屏東科技大學生物科技系副教授生理化學生態、二生爬行動物、生物多樣性、動物行為1. 赤尾青竹絲攝食行為與溫度選擇之研究
2. 赤尾青竹絲雌蛇成體溫度選擇之研究
1. #獲取、吸收、或過濾生物 #感應溫度訊號
2. #感應溫度訊號 #熱能轉型/轉換 #分配能量 #適應行為 #保護免受動物危害

1. #Capture, absorb, or filter organisms #Sense temperature cues from the environment
2. #Sense temperature cues from the environment #Tranform/convert thermal energy #Distribute energy #Adapt behaviors #Protect from animals
Tzen-Yuh Chiang
國立成功大學生命科學系 特聘教授演化基因體學、保育遺傳學、分子生態學、族群遺傳學1. Endophytic microbiome of biofuel plant Miscanthus sinensis (Poaceae) interacts with environmental gradients
2. Revegetation on abandoned salt ponds relieves the seasonal fluctuation of soil microbiomes
1. #生態系統中合作 #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #維持群落系統協調
2. #維持生物多樣性 #生態系統中合作 #維持群落系統協調

1. #Cooperate within an ecosystem #Cooperate/compete between different species #Coordinate systems
2. #Maintain biodiversity #Cooperate within an ecosystem #Coordinate systems
Ren-Chung Cheng
國立中興大學生命科學系助理教授演化生物學、行為生態1. The evolution of genital complexity and mating rates in sexually size dimorphic spiders
2. Signaling by decorating webs: luring prey or deterring predators?
1. #調節生殖或生長 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積 #共同演化
2. #獲取、吸收、或過濾生物 #改變光線/顏色 #物理性組成結構 #傳遞光訊號(可光譜) #適應外表型

1. #Regulate reproduction or growth #Modify size/shape/mass/volume #coevolve
2. #Capture, absorb, or fiter organisms #Modify light/color #Physically assemble structure #Send light signals in the visible spectrum #Adapt phenotype
Hsu-Chen Cheng
國立中興大學生命科學系助理教授動物發育生物學、幹細胞與再生、老化與回春1. Transcriptional regulation of Msx2 in the AERs of developing limbs is dependent on multiple closely spaced regulatory elements
2. The making of a flight feather: bio-architectural principles and adaptation
1. #調節生殖與生長 #編碼/解碼
2. #形狀/材料最佳化 #在氣體中移動 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積

1. #Regulate reproduction or growth #En/decode
2. #Optimize shape/material #Move in/through gases #Modify size/shape/mass/volume
Yu-Rong Cheng
國立高雄科技大學漁業生產與管理系副教授海洋生物生態、無脊椎動物、寄生橈足類、珊瑚礁保育生態1. Effects of LED light illumination on the growth, digestive enzymes, and photoacclimation of Goniopora columna in captivity
2. Endosymbiotic copepods may feed on zooxanthellae from their coral host, Pocillopora damicornis
1. #獲取、吸收、或過濾能量 #生態系統中合作
2. #獲取、吸收、或過濾生物 #不同物種之間合作/競爭

1. #Capture, absorb, or filter energy #Cooperate within an ecosystem
2. #Capture, absorb, or filter organisms #Cooperate/compete between different species
Chih-Yu Cheng
國立高雄科技大學海洋生物技術系副教授生化工程學、基因工程、甲殼素水解酶生物工程1. Pilot-scale production of chito-oligosaccharides using an innovative recombinant chitosanase preparation approach
2. White rot fungus Pleurotus pulmonarius enhanced bioremediation of highly PCDD/F-contaminated field soil via solid state fermentation
1. #保護免受微生物危害 #化學性分解有機化合物 #生物性控制族群/蟲害/病害
2. #化學性分解有機化合物 #保護免受化學物所損害 #氣體/水分/廢物解毒/淨化

1. #Protect from microbes #Chemically breakdown organic compounds #Biological control of populations, pests, diseases
2. #Chemically breakdown organic compounds #Protect from chemicals #Detoxification/purification o air/water/waste
Ming-Luen Jeng
國立自然科學博物館副研究員Taxonomy, Phylogeny1. 墾丁國家公園與西拉雅國家風景區紋胸黑翅螢 (鞘翅目:螢科)
2. Biological characteristics of the terrestrial firefly Pyrocoelia pectoralis (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)
1. #改變光線/顏色 #適應行為
2. #傳遞光訊號(可見光譜)#感應光訊號(可見光譜) #保護免受動物傷害 #排出液體 #化學性組成有機化合物

1. #Modify light/color #Adapt behavior
2. #Send light signals in visible spectrum #Sense light signals (visible spectrum) from the environment #Protect from animals #Expel liquids #Chemically assemble organic compounds
Shih-Hui Hsiao
國立臺北教育大學自然科學教育學系助理教授水域環境評估、浮游動物分類學、生物多樣性1. 浮游生物:一群水域流浪漢開的美食街
2. 現世恐龍樂園
1. #循環養分 #維持生物多樣性 #不同物種之間合作/競爭
2. #散播種子 #循環養分

1. #Cycle nutrients #Maintain biodiversity #Cooperate/compete between different species
2. #Disperse seeds #Cycle nutrients
Shiuh-Feng Shiao
國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系暨研究所教授雙翅目昆蟲分類、法醫昆蟲學1. Fighting injuries, fig exit, and dimorphism in two species of sycoryctine fig wasp (Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae)
2. Temperature adaptation in Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya pinguis, two blow fly species of forensic significance
1. #適應行為 #改變大小/形狀/質量/體積
2. #不同物種之間合作/競爭 #適應行為

1. #Adapt behaviors #Modify size/shape/mass/volume
2. #Cooperate/compete between different species #Adapt behaviors
Hong-Thih Lai
國立嘉義大學水生生物科學系暨研究所教授水環境生態學、抗菌藥物環境檢測、殘留與處理、水生生物環境毒性檢測、水生生物復育1. 淡水螃蟹的成長與繁殖─以臺灣南海溪蟹為例
2. 休耕水田水生動物相變化
1. #保護免受動物危害 #暫時性附著 #適應行為
2. #維持生物多樣性

1. #Protect from animals #Attach temporarily #Adapt behaviors
2. #Maintain biodiversity
Yeong-Tyi Day
中原大學地景建築學系副教授生態, 保育1. 從毛足圓盤蟹(Discoplax hirtipes)生活史的角度探討屏鵝公路生態工法(Eco-technology Act)的設計
2. Spatial and Temporal Changes of Formosan Landlocked Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus) in Chichiawan Stream, Taiwan
1. #在固體中/上移動 #感應時間及日長訊號 #陸地上導航
2. #液體中導航 #感應溫度訊號 #適應行為

1. #Move in/on solids #Sense time and day length #Navigate over land
2. #Navigate through liquid #Sense temperature cues from the environment #Adapt behaviors
Matan Shelomi
國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系暨研究所助理教授昆蟲微生物生態學、昆蟲生理學1. Multifunctional cellulase enzymes are ancestral in Polyneoptera
2. Review of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) as animal feed and human food
1. #化學性分解聚合物 #氣體/水分/廢物的解毒/淨化
2. #化學性分解有機化合物 #循環養分

1. #Chemically breakdown polymers #Detoxification/purification of air/water/waste
2. #Chemically breakdown polymers #Cycle nutrients
Cheng-Ming Chuong
中央研究院研究員幹細胞學、發生學、皮膚生物學1. The making of feathers: bio-architectual principles and adaptation
2. The morphogenesis of feathers
1. #在氣體中移動 #應付結構力 #調節生殖或生長 #形狀/材料最佳化
2. #調節生殖或生長 #物理性形成結構 #氣體中移動 #適應基因型

1. #Move in/through gases #Manage structural forces #Regulate reproduction or growth #Optimize shape/materials
2. #Regulate reproduction or growth #Physically assemble structure #Move in/through gases #Adapt genotype
Shen-Horn Yen
國立中山大學生物科學系 副教授 昆蟲學、鱗翅學、演化生態學、擬態生物學、親緣生物地理學、植物與昆蟲之關係、生物多樣性資料庫、水生植物學1. Sheep in wolf's clothing: multicomponent traits enhance the success of mimicry in spider-mimicking moths
2. Color changes upon cooling of Lepidoptera scales containing photonic nanoarchitectures, and a method for identifying the changes
1. #保護免受動物危害 #適應行為 #改變位置 #改變速度 #傳遞光訊號(可見光譜)
2. #物理性組成結構 #改變光線/顏色

1. # Protect from animals #Adapt behaviors #Modify position #Modify speed #Send light signals in the visible spectrum
2. #Physically assemble structure #Modify light/color



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